You will find your shock absorbers mounted in and around the main suspension components of your vehicle. These will look like a long vertical tube and will either be positioned vertically or diagonally close to the suspension spring.

The severity of the roads upon which a shock has been subject to will have a huge effect on its functionality. As a general rule, modern shock absorbers should be at least checked every 30,000 kilometers and replaced every 60,000km. As this can be a labour intensive job, depending on the vehicle, it can be more cost effective to replace a set each time. Doing this will ensure more even wear over the lifespan of the units too.

Shocks and struts are an integral part of your suspension system. They work to prevent suspension parts and tyres from wearing out prematurely. If worn, they could jeopardize your ability to stop, steer and maintain stability. They also work to maintain tyre contact with the road and reduce the rate at which vehicle weight transfers among the wheels when negotiating corners or during braking.

Definitely! Because removal, replacement and alignment of shock absorbers can be labour intensive, it is a good idea to have the shock pad and springs inspected along with other parts that are designed to protect the shock.